The Downland Partnership, also branding as Exact Survey, operates world-wide and offers a range of 3D measurement and metrology services covering both geospatial and industrial applications such as Building Surveys, Laser Scanning, Photogrammetry, Monitoring, Industrial Measurements and Heritage Recording.
Digital Precision is a Western Canadian company primarily catering to companies in North America, but open to jobs worldwide. They provide 3D Measurement, Alignment Scanning & Mapping Services.
DSC is an engineering company with activities in:
- Factory automation
- RCS and antenna meas. systs.
- Projected augmented reality for manufacturing
Projection systems are promoted through their division ProjectionWorks which is separately listed and has its own website.
Offers software solutions for 3D metrology, reverse engineering, measurement planning and measurement data management.
The company is a PolyWorks reseller and provider of Polyworks training.
DynaMITE - Dynamic applications of Metrology in Industry of Tomorrow Environments.
A multi-partner EU project coordinated by NPL to provide fundamental metrology for the Digitalization of European advanced manufacturing, especially aerospace and automotive.
Follows on from LaVA and Luminar project
A general 3D metrology service provider handling tasks such as reverse engineering, inspection and alignment.
Equipment used includes FARO trackers and CMM arms and Surphaser scanners.
Software tools are from PolyWorks, SolidWorks, Geomagic and Rhino.