
Introducing explore3DM


explore3DM is a resource to learn about 3D measurement and 3D metrology (3DM), its systems, techniques and applications. At its core is a directory of the community providing this technology such as systems manufacturers, service and training providers, research groups and information sources. 

It is currently operating in an open-access test phase. When fully operational, it will offer free access to registered users and FREE directory membership with a minimum presence. A sponsored PREMIUM membership will offer additional benefits to directory members in order to generate revenue which will sustain management, maintenance and further development of the resource. Part of the revenue will also support the further development of 3DM via the 3DIMPact Group at University College London (UCL).

Non-profit organizations such as university research groups, as well as designated partners, will have free PREMIUM membership in return for contributions to explore3DM development


Figure 1 illustrates the spectrum of tools and applications relevant to explore3DM. It is centered on large-volume and portable coordinate metrology (LVM and PCM) and therefore shows fixed 3D methods for manufacturing (left), and portable 3D technologies for larger-scale manufacturing (centre) and for construction, facilities and heritage (right). The spectrum is closely aligned with object size, from small to large (left to right) and with measurement tolerances of micrometres to millimetres (left to right). 

Fig. 1 From Kyle, S. Explore3DM - A Directory and More for 3D Metrology. Standards 2021, 1, 67–78.

Current and future status

explore3DM currently includes:

  • A directory with around 850 entries and a pending list of around 300 entries
  • An introductory overview of 3D measurement and 3D metrology 
  • A “Solution Finder” where users can post tasks to which Premium members can respond with proposed solutions
  • A "Library" offering technology introductions and other instructional information
    This is currently a demonstration space for different types of information, e.g. technology introductions as well as examples of potential exhibition material
  • "Research and development news" from both research and commercial sources

Amongst other options, future developments are planned to offer:

  • Access to a dictionary of 3DM terms
  •  An Exhibition Gallery to showcase 3DM with illustrations, images, 3D models and short videos
  • An Events Calendar for PREMIUM members to list their webinars, workshops and seminars
  • An applications database for website visitors to understand measurement in operation and help end users find solutions to their own application problems  

The directory structure

The directory has a 3-level structure in the following top-down order:

  1. SECTIONS: currently 8 defined
  2. CATEGORIES: currently 27 defined
  3. SUB-CATEGORIES: currently 172 defined
Directory members chose as many of the sub-categories as apply to them.

Suggestions for additions, eliminations and re-naming are welcome.

A trial KEYWORD section is currently in preparation in order to provide another level of flexibility in identifying the skills and interest areas of directory members..

Most entries (May 2024) are provisional and have (P) appended to identify them. When members take charge of their own entries, the provisional ones will be deleted.

The directory: CARD profiles

The image below shows a basic CARD profile, offering minimum information as might be given on a business card. FREE and PREMIUM members both have name, logo, weblink and short descriptive text (max. 300 characters). PREMIUM members additionally have a banner, top right.

If a mouse positioned over the display shows an arrow pointer, there is no available POSTER profile. If a hand is shown, click to view an associated POSTER, next item.

The directory: POSTER profiles

PREMIUM members can optionally create a POSTER profile which provides more text and image options, see example below for the 3D Metrology Conference. A built-in toolbox is available to create the POSTER, or the template elements (text, images) can simply be overwritten by the organization’s own information. A short PDF guide will be available in the website´s Community Library, once implemented.


It´s useful to know how website users are distributed by economic sector as this helps identify application areas of interest. Currently, 36 sectors are identified, most covering a number of sector sub-groups as shown. If you are active in more than one sector, just choose the one of most interest to you. when you register as a user.

The explore3DM team

Stephen Kyle is the current editor. He is an engineer with over 30 years’ experience of 3D measurement and metrology, having worked in map making, systems manufacturing and development and academic research. He is a Principal Research Fellow in Large-Volume Metrology at University College London (UCL).  He is also a member of the 3D Metrology Conference committee (www.3dmc.events).

The explore3DM website is built by Marked Improvement (www.markedimprovement.co.uk), a web development and eLearning company based in the UK and Spain. Part of the website content is being developed through the outreach and knowledge transfer elements of the Airbus/Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Large-Volume Metrology. This chair is held by Prof. Stuart Robson until April 2026 and is jointly funded by Airbus UK (www.airbus.com) and the Royal Academy of Engineering (www.raeng.org.uk).

Initial marketing support has been provided by Bristol-based Emily Brooks and  Prof. Andressa Rickli and Wilma Vieira at UNICENTRO in Brazil (Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste do Paraná)..

Media partner is MQ - Manufacturing Quality (www.manufacturing-quality.com), See also their entry in the directory.

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