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About the 3DMC

The 3D Metrology Conference  is industry-oriented and centred on portable and large-volume 3D coordinate metrology (PCM and LVM). However, the conference aims to place these technologies in the context of a wider spectrum of 3D metrology including, for example, conventional CMMs, Computed Tomography, 3D printing and long-range laser scanning.   

 To support innovation in industrial applications, presentations (talks) are offered by both industrial users and researchers in 3D metrology. However, this is not an academic conference and talks are currently only in slide-show format with no associated technical papers.   

 Prior to its establishment, the only independent events with a similar profile were the EPMC in the UK (now no longer in operation) and the CMSC in the US. There are user conferences with some overlap of interests, e.g. the GOM 3D Conference, and some with a focus on geospatial applications, e.g. SPAR3D. There are also trade shows such as Control with a large but very broad engineering audience. All offer something different in terms of technical focus, the composition of the audience and the balance between talks, posters and exhibition.  

 The 3DMC was established to create a European-wide event taking place annually in different European locations. This is intended to capture a wide and annually changing audience which will enable the event to grow. This audience has a specific interest in 3D metrology which the event fulfils with related workshops, talks, posters and exhibition. Hands-on experience and relaxed networking are key features of 3DMC which only a live event can deliver successfully.

3DMC 2022, Aachen, 15 - 17 November

We had a very successful return to live events at the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) of RWTH Aachen University.

We had more talks than normal but found space for all by keeping the delivery time a little shorter than usual. Social events were excellent and well attended and the WZL´s modern shopfloor facility proved to be an excellent location for the exhibition and breaks.. For a virtual tour of the facility, click the button below.

3DMC 2023, Bilbao, 26 - 28 September

A different but successful 3DMC which was held at the sites of our Basque Country partners, Day 1 presentations were at Tekniker and Day 2 at IDEKO, both days giving us an opportunity to visit both sites in detail. Very impressive!

Participants were all based in Bilbao where we had an excellent ice breaker at the MERCADO DE LA RIBERA and a great networking dinner at the Guggenheim bistro.

We greatly appreciated the support of our exhibitors, especially with the move between the sites. Our thanks also to the presenters who provide almost equal numbers of talks and posters.

Finally, our sponsors "Metrology" (an MDPI journal), the Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRA) and AER Automation, together with publisher de Gruyter who provided textbook prizes, all helped to ensure this was another successful conference.


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